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Compaflow is an universal compact orifice flow meter. It combines a compact orifice flow sensor and sotiphicated converter.


Compact Orifice Flowmeter is designed for closed loop control and general purpose monitoring applications. This design lowers the total installed cost of DP Flow measurement points eliminating the need for fittings, impulse tubing, valves, adapters and manifolds by providing a single device packaged together for simplified installation. By integrating Yokogagwa or Autrol pressure transmitters with the  Compact Orifice primary element, we deliver the highest performing Flowmeters which arrive assembled, calibrated, pressure tested, and ready to install. System combines advanced flow computer MS 128 allow control and calculate value messured simple and easy.


Well- known and proven technology.

Orifice technology is time-tested with established standards for manufacture and use. Performance under varied installation and process conditions is well documented.

Field calibrated.

Two- wire, 4…20mA.

Industry standards exist.

Flexible mounting configurations.

Excellent response time.

Reduced total cost of ownership.

Minimized installation errors.

Fluid to be measured

Compressed air, gas.


Saturated / Superheated  steam.

Power supply

24 VDC or 230VAC/ 50 Hz


 4-20mA base on HART@ communication, low flow cut-off facility

Optional RS 485/ Modbus communications.

Long term stability

Up to 10 year stability.


Mass flow up to 1% of mass flow rate, 7:1 turndown.



Pressure limitations

100 Bar (1450 psi)

Ambient temperature

-20 to 70 degC

Process temperature

-20 to 121 degC,  -20 to 400 degC for steam.

Line  size

1”(25mm), 1 ½” (40mm), 2”(50mm), 3”( 80mm), 4”( 100mm), 5”( 125mm), 6”( 150mm), 8”( 200mm), 10”( 250mm), 12”( 300mm)


Orifice assembly, stem and manifold: 304 stainless steel, optional 316/316L SS


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